TO 20

Compact electric water heater suitable for one or more draw-off points. The capacity of 20 liters is enough for a shower or multiple sinks.

moznosti vyuziti nizkeho tarifu Possibility of using low electricity tariff (night tariff) antikornozni vrstva The anti-corrosion layer is not subject to pitting corrosion in hard and chlorinated water.
vysoce kvalitni izolace covestro High-quality Covestro insulation for low heat loss and minimum operating costs elektricke kryti ip 44 Electrical protection IP44 – can be placed near draw-off points
elektricke topne teleso The electric heating element is part of the heater


Družstevní závody Dražice-strojírna s.r.o.
Dražice 69, 294 71 Benátky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 326 370 911