Ohřívač vody OKCEV

Horizontal water heater with ceramic heating element, supplied with mounting brackets.

keramicke topne teleso The ceramic heating element significantly extends the service life of the heater moznosti vyuziti nizkeho tarifu Possibility of using low electricity tariff (night tariff)
antikornozni vrstva The anti-corrosion layer is not subject to pitting corrosion in hard and chlorinated water. elektricke topne teleso The electric heating element is part of the heater
vysoce kvalitni izolace covestro High-quality Covestro insulation for low heat loss and minimum operating costs


Družstevní závody Dražice-strojírna s.r.o.
Dražice 69, 294 71 Benátky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 326 370 911
E-mail: info@dzd.cz