Wall-mounted combi heaters and storage tanks

Kombinované závěsné ohřívače vody

Combined water heaters and hot water storage tanks are designed for wall mounting and available in capacities of 80–200 liters. The horizontal anchor bolt spacing (450 mm) has been maintained by the manufacturer throughout the production history for easy replacement of old heaters and storage tanks.


Vertical hot water storage tank with one heat exchanger suitable for various heat sources.

OKF/1 m² Combined storage tank

A vertical hot water storage tank with a heat exchanger suitable for different heat sources, with the option to connect an electric heater (to a photovoltaic system, for instance).


Combined vertical water heater with a ceramic heating element and a single exchanger for an additional heat source.


Combined horizontal water heater with ceramic heating element and one exchanger for another heat source.

OKC/1 m

Vertical hot water heater with one heat exchanger suitable for different heat sources.

Družstevní závody Dražice-strojírna s.r.o.
Dražice 69, 294 71 Benátky nad Jizerou
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420 326 370 911
E-mail: info@dzd.cz